Uncover Hidden FTID Fraud
Find out how much money you’re losing to FTID fraud and take action. We offer free audits to help you uncover the hidden fraud in your returns.
Predict Your Savings
You could add $0 per month to your bottom-line with Tailed!
Get an exact calculation!Find out how much money you’re losing to FTID fraud
We've seen more than 5% of a merchant's returns are FTID. Discover how much you've paid out to fraudsters.
Get a Report of your fraudulent returns from the past 120 days
Get a fully detailed reportof your fraud perctange, repeat offenders, and recommendations on how to prevent future fraud.
The Audit Process
Fraudulent Returns in the past 120 days
Tailed will audit your returns in the past 120 days and provide a report of fraudsters, monetary losses and recommendations.
Take Action
Tailed will assess your risk to FTID Fraud and implement a custom solution to safeguard your revenue and stop the bleeding.
Discover Your Risk
True FTID Fraud Cost Calculator
Calculate the true impact of FTID Fraud on your business